P. Pfleiderer


Dr. Patrick Pfleiderer



Email: email_kn


I am a sound engineer and musician. This page is about my time as a physicist. Last, I was a postdoc in the group of Prof. Dr. Georg Maret, at U. Konstanz. I studied suspensions of hard ellipsoids and more generally colloids, both experimentally and computationally. I was interested in their statistical mechanics and dynamical properties. I tried to build my own research group. I closely collaborated with Prof. Dr. Andreas Zumbusch, also at U. Konstanz.

Earlier on, I was a postdoc in the group of Prof. Dr. Jan Vermant, in the Applied Rheology and Polymer Processing Section at K.U. Leuven. I studied the same topics, with an emphasis on rheologial properties.

I obtained my Ph.D. with Priv.-Doz. Dr. Tanja Schilling, in the Condensed Matter Theory Group of Prof. Dr. Kurt Binder. at U. Mainz. I used computer simulation techniques to investigate crystal packings of ellipsoids, and also the dynamics thereof.

My Master thesis was on simulations of alumino silicates, also in Prof. Binder’s group.

[P. Pfleiderer] [Curric. Vitae] [Group] [Publications] [Teaching] [Colloids] [Silicates] [Stat. Mech.] [Rheology] [Experiments] [Simulations] [Music]